Updated 2015-08-30
EUCCC Shanghai
While China’s investment in R&D has already surpassed the EU average and Shanghai recently announced its plan to transform into an innovation-driven city, will all of this help overcome the challenges the country faces?
Innovation Roundtable
Innovation is not the same as scientific invention. While many, when criticizing China for a perceived lack of innovative capacity and spirit, various other types of innovation are often overlooked.
Dr. Edward Tse at EUCCC Roundtable Event
This was the overall sentiment among the speakers during the China Innovation Roundatble on August 26. Dr. Edward Tse, CEO of Gao Feng Advisory Company laid out his case for China as a global breeding ground and accelerator for innovation, while Mr. Jeongmin Seong, Senior Fellow at McKinsey Global Institute, delivered his presentation on China having established its strength on efficiency and customer-focused innovation, but continues to lag in science and engineering. Both presentations was followed by a panel discussion moderated by Mr. Klaas Vegter, Head of R&D and Philips China, and Mr. Vijay Vaitheeswaran, China Business Editor & Shanghai Bureau Chief of The Economist.