Gao Feng’ s CEO Dr. Edward Tse’ s new book, 《China’s Disruptors》, was released yesterday (July 14th) in both the US and the UK by publisher Portfolio/Penguin. This book is about the story of the fast emerging power of the Chinese private business sector, their entrepreneurship and innovativeness as well as their impact to China’s economy and increasingly to the rest of the world. Dr. Tse will be on a book tour in London and New York City during the following two weeks during which media interviews, selected panel discussions and a corporate event at Chatham House, London will be held.
高风公司CEO谢祖墀博士的新书《China’ s Disruptors 》(暂译:《中国的商业颠覆者》)已于昨天(7月14日)由Portfolio/Penguin出版社出版并在美国和英国同步发行。本书讲述了快速崛起的中国民营经济和企业,他们的创业精神、创新精神,以及他们影响到中国的经济及世界其他地方的故事。接下来的两周内,谢博士将会在伦敦与纽约市进行推广此书的售书活动。活动将主要涉及媒体采访和一些有选择的主题讨论,此外亦会在伦敦Chatham House举行一次企业交流活动。