APRIL 29,2021 article
SCMP | How Biden’s Plan Takes a Page Out of China’s PlaybookFEBRUARY 22,2021 article
SCMP | Land of InspirationDECEMBER 21,2020 article
GBA Offers a Much Larger Playing Field for HK’s Young TalentNOVEMBER 9,2020 article
From Copycat to Tech Trailblazer, China Now Inspires the WestAUGUST 10,2020 article
SCMP | Barriers to BusinessJUNE 15,2020 article
SCMP | Hands Across OceansABOUT ME
Founder & CEO of Gao Feng Advisory Company, a global strategy and management consulting firm with roots in China. —learn moreReceive notifications of new posts.